These New Times - Living Your Spiritual Path On Zoom

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These New Times - Living Your Spiritual Path On Zoom


Understanding How Spirit Interacts With You In these New times and new energies.
Many of our spiritual tools are different now that there have been so many shifts in the world. Our intuition and the way we get our information feels different. Many think they not as intuitive but actually it is learning new tools and new ways information is received.

Spirit actually talks to us through our everyday experiences. Our intuition is multifaceted now and comes is many ways and is talking to us all of the time. If you understand the language now you would be hearing, seeing and feeling it all around you daily. It is majikal.

Empower yourself by getting your own messages and learning how to flow with the shift of energies and the new vibrations that are here.

If this sounds wonderful to you then you will love this workshop. This workshop also provides tools on how to live in this hectic energy of shifts yet keep calm, balanced and clear.

You will learn:

• How spirit and intuition talks with us now
• How to interpret what your messages are
• How to be open and receptive so you can recognize when spirit is talking to you
• How to set up guidelines so you can create your own kind of communication and language with your intuition
• How to get a clear your energy and be more calm in these roller coaster times

Learning to hear and get your messages messages , be calmer and more clear on intuition is not only empowering and rewarding, but it is fun and adventuress.

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