Have you felt you are in Pause Mode?
Have you felt you are in Pause Mode?
If you are one who has felt you were in pause mode in your life for the last year don’t feel alone. There were many of us there with you. Now this did not mean nothing was moving in your life, but many of us felt that we were ready for something new or expansion and had the energy for it but it felt like everything was just paused on expanding or moving forward.
A recent channeling I did for a group of people the guides went into this a bit. It felt different than being in the void since other things were moving even if it was inner growth and not outer world events in our lives. It literally was a pause. This was all lined up with a planet and energy line up that had to do with the Divine Female energy reaching the planet about 2 years ago. The GREAT news is this energy shifts and turns around March 15, 2017.
Before I get to that, if you have been in the PAUSE, then you were doing a lot of inner work and playing with some new ideas you may have about your work or purpose. You felt good about that but couldn’t quite get clarity on what it really looked like or the steps to get there. The clarity on how and what will trickle in starting March 15 and each week and month get more clear and strong through until June. By June it should feel and look solid.
In this last year you also were re-evaluating your life work and how you really wanted to show up in the world. You wanted to spread your light even more. You spent the year shedding many things such as people, situations and behaviors from your life. All this was getting ready for the new shift and new energies. If you did the work you are ready to spring forward. If you resisted the shedding you may find it getting much louder from now until June until you face it.
For the movement forward March 15th through until June21st you will find your clarity moving you more towards working in group efforts, or working for or starting your own organization. Even coaches, healers and light workers will find they will network more and utilize group effort to make change. It is working like a grid of light connecting to other (group) grids of light. It really is going to be about creating new villages because it does take a village to make bigger change.
The next wave of many opening and awakening to their consciousness and it won’t take this group/wave as long as it took us who shifted in 1987. We will be there to assist and mentor so the next wave of souls waking to their purposes can manifest even greater change at this time. The shift has occurred even though it does seem like it watching the news. The shadow is awake and crumbling and the new earth and new ways will birth from the chaos that is occurring now. Don’t buy into the illusion but instead see it through the eyes of soul, step back and watch and listen from neutrality and you will see and feel how the new earth is emerging. Celebrate you and being present at this time!
Love & Light,
Anne Angelheart