Gift Certificates Available
to Dec 31

Gift Certificates Available

You can now purchase Gift certificates for a session or for a class for your loved one. Just click on the link and choose your amount then email me at and let me know the name of the person and I will send you an electronic gift certificate. The receiver can then book on ine under book now when they are ready to claim their gift. Happy Holidays

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The Many forms of Meditation
11:00 AM11:00

The Many forms of Meditation

There are many forms of meditation. Active, moving, visual, and many more. The same type is not great for everyone. Think you Can't Meditate?

Discover what ones work for you or learn new ways so you can have variety, no one only wants one way every single day.

Discover how to make it pleasant so meditation does feel like a chore or trying to do the same way all the time. Many times that makes you have a lack of enthusiasm to meditate every day.

Come and explore.

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Balancing Your Divine Male/Female Energies Register by October 14th
11:00 AM11:00

Balancing Your Divine Male/Female Energies Register by October 14th

In this class we will explore how to identify which energy is out of balance. We also will explore the difference between male/female energies and Divine Male/Female energies.

We will also explore about the Divine Female/Male energies and how balancing these accelerates our awareness and spiritual journey.

 Join me in this very informative class with hands-on tools to start your balance.

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Recognize Your Victories -  register by September 24th
11:00 AM11:00

Recognize Your Victories - register by September 24th

Recognize Your Victories - register by September 24th

Are you stuck in a cycle of overthinking, picking apart, or your mind won’t be quiet? How to retrain left brain thinking and change perception, Worry and left-brain chatter depletes your energy and limits your quality of life!

Left brain chatter is a learned voice from subconscious fears and experiences. This class helps you change the language of your left brain so you can expand your vision for the future instead of limiting it.  

Are you stuck in a cycle of overthinking, picking apart, or your mind won’t be quiet? How to retrain left brain thinking and change perception, Worry and left-brain chatter depletes your energy and limits your quality of life!

Left brain chatter is a learned voice from subconscious fears and experiences. This class helps you change the language of your left brain so you can expand your vision for the future instead of limiting it.


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Illuminous Being Course 1
11:00 AM11:00

Illuminous Being Course 1

Illuminous Be-ing
Course 1 Illuminated

Have you noticed or felt a difference in the Energy on the planet lately?

You may feel as if things are manifesting faster, bringing a stronger sense of knowing and purpose to your day to day life, or you may just sense that things are very different and you are not sure how to adapt to the changes.

Or, you may have a keen understanding of the accelerated energy of this new earth and have been working with it for a long time and now have an increased sense of moving on to the next level.

Whether you are seeking ways to adapt to the changes or move to a higher vibration for these new times, this course is for you!

The Illuminous Be-ing course consists of two workshops. When taken together these courses will assist you in moving to the next level, bringing clarity to your purpose, enhancing your gifts, and helping you to manifest the life you want.

Be the Illuminous BE-ING that you are and Illuminate the world with your light and spiritual energy!

Course 1 Illumination: This is a one day workshop with advanced sacred geometry and frequencies that will bring your DNA (body), mind, and soul to an evolved state in order to receive these new frequencies of the accelerated earth. As your physical body and light body align with these new frequencies, you can receive the new language of light and live harmoniously with the energy now present on the earth. This language of light contains the new and evolved information for your future.

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Working with Grids of Light Beginning Class Register by July 15
11:30 AM11:30

Working with Grids of Light Beginning Class Register by July 15


Beginning Class on Working with Grids of Light

In this class you will learn to create and work with different grids of light. There are many grids which are all part of the Matrix. There are many "Laws" that govern the Grids. There is a 'Law of

balance', 'Laws of Neutrality are immutable laws.

On the Metaphysical level the Earth's grid system can also be called the Collective Unconscious - Hall of Records- Akashic Records - as they contains all of the memories of what we are experiencing at this time. They are what create everything that exists in our reality - thus supporting the illusion.

Many grids exist already but you can learn to create and transform grids that enhance and transmute certain energies in your life, environment and experiences.

Learn in this class to be able to create Grids of light to assist you and your life

Learn to travel the grid to a past experience/life and transform the energies to assist you today.

Learn to create a grid for you that will help you with your empath or your intuitive

Experience working with grids to assist your life and your experiences to be more joyful.

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11:00 AM11:00

New Class Moving Forward - Expanding my Progress register by March 19th

You have been on an awareness journey for a while and things are much better in your life. Being human we aways have a moment or a day where we slip into old habits or old ways of thinking, that’s ok, we just don’t want to park the car there.

 Even if you do not slip into old ways this class helps to expand all the good and joy you are experiencing already. This class gives some quick easy tools to get back into your healthy way of being but honoring self that you had a moment.

 This class gives techniques you can use to expand the positive areas in your life. Take receiving, joy, connection, new mind sets for the new energies to the next level,

 Join me in this upbeat class and be ready to easily live and expand your life to even more positive life experiences.

 Please register for this class 5 days before class date. I can’t wait to share with you.


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Meaningful Coincidence
11:00 AM11:00

Meaningful Coincidence

Do those small interactions or similarities bubble down to “just” a coincidence? Or do they tie us all together in a deeper and more meaningful way?

Join me to discover this zone of interconnection that unites us all. Learn how to navigate this space peacefully and lovingly. If you are already in this place of Be-ing; learn how to use this heart space to manifest and create in your daily life and to use this space as a place of healing for yourself and others if you choose to.

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Living Your Spiritual Path in These New Times   2 hour zoom class
10:30 AM10:30

Living Your Spiritual Path in These New Times 2 hour zoom class

Understanding How Spirit Interacts With You In these New times and new energies.
Many of our spiritual tools are different now that there have been so many shifts in the world. Our intuition and the way we get our information feels different. Many think they not as intuitive but actually it is learning new tools and new ways information is received. Click on link for more information

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You can request a class, Out of state or Out of country
to Oct 28

You can request a class, Out of state or Out of country

  • Google Calendar ICS

Please disregard dates and times. I had to enter one to create this message. Since I am doing many of the classes by zoom, you can now request a class. If you are out of sate or out of country and have a group who would like a class I can adjust the times for the online class. Just email with request or for info at

I look forward to working with you.

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 Part Two Discover Your New Journey in these times/Time to Create Your New
10:30 AM10:30

Part Two Discover Your New Journey in these times/Time to Create Your New

$195.00 zoom

Are you waiting for things to go back to normal? Are you feeling unsure about your future work or place in the world? This class is for you! We are in a time of huge gifts and new opportunities for our personal future!

There will not be a going back to the old normal. It is creating a new pathway and embarking on a new journey into what you choose as a new normal. We are transitioning into a new time, new energies and a new life. All of this is exciting and joyful if we understand how to tap into this new energy and create

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Part  one Discover Your New Journey in these times/Time to Create Your New class 1
10:30 AM10:30

Part one Discover Your New Journey in these times/Time to Create Your New class 1

$195.00 includes both classes zoom

Are you waiting for things to go back to normal? Are you feeling unsure about your future work or place in the world? This class is for you! We are in a time of huge gifts and new opportunities for our personal future!

There will not be a going back to the old normal. It is creating a new pathway and embarking on a new journey into what you choose as a new normal. We are transitioning into a new time, new energies and a new life. All of this is exciting and joyful if we understand how to tap into this new energy and create our new future.

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New Energies - New You - New Tools Updated 2023
11:00 AM11:00

New Energies - New You - New Tools Updated 2023


New Energies we now have access to.

Have you felt you are using all your tools and you are doing everything right yet you feel you’re not moving forward anymore?

Do you feel your manifesting has slowed down?

Are you at a plateau of spiritual growth and feel you need to branch out and go to the next step?

If so, then this workshop is for you!

This workshop is giving new tools/vibrations for this new fifth dimensional world we are in now so you can launch forward and excel. . In this class you will learn:

::: New vibrations to work with clearing and balancing
::: New work for Emapth Protection
::: How to Have more energy
::: How to manifest more effortlessly

Come join me for this new and innovative class to move forward in all areas of your life. You will receive this one day workshop and you will be e-mailed an MP3 of a new meditation working with these energies that you can use daily.

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11:00 AM11:00

Meaningful Coincidence/ Register by April 19

Meaningful Coincidence


Do those small interactions or similarities bubble down to “just” a coincidence? Or do they tie us all together in a deeper and more meaningful way?

Join me to discover this zone of interconnection that unites us all. Learn how to navigate this space peacefully and lovingly. If you are already in this place of Be-ing; learn how to use this heart space to manifest and create in your daily life and to use this space as a place of healing for yourself and others if you choose to.

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Decode Yourself and Your Life/ Register by April 12
11:00 AM11:00

Decode Yourself and Your Life/ Register by April 12

Learn how to effectively communicate and listen to the response that Self or Source is providing.

“The Universe will guide you” is a common saying that can sometimes be frustrating when you feel lost and confused about your place in life. I am here to assure you that the Universe is always talking to you, you just need to learn how to break through the “language barrier”. It is hard to follow guidance or directions if you do not understand how the Self or Source communicate. However, once you learn the lingo, your experiences will flourish, and you will begin to have more direct communication with Source and clarity with Self.

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Are You an Empath, Healer, or Over Giver? Register by April 2
12:00 PM12:00

Are You an Empath, Healer, or Over Giver? Register by April 2

People who are emotional Healers and or Empaths are also overgivers. Becauae of this they can be drained, have difficulty manifesting and life just feels like a struggle. Having more understanding what is happening and why can help you create a new way of life.

Learn in this class how to make changes small to big so you can live with more energy, healthy boundaries and live more joy in your life. You are not alone, many are like this and these tools assist them in changing their life around. I am excited to share these tools with you and seeing you embark on a new life of joy.

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Re Connect And Move Forward
1:00 PM13:00

Re Connect And Move Forward

Are you feeling disconnected in these times or just uncertain on how to move forward? Don’t sit in limbo waiting for change!


We are in new energies and need to connect to those new energies to move forward. This class will assist you to connect to the new energies that are available. Learn steps to take to move forward and to start manifesting again. Learn to manifest in this changing time and feel the joy.

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#1  Discover Your New Journey in These New Times   1 of 2 Two Part
10:00 AM10:00

#1 Discover Your New Journey in These New Times 1 of 2 Two Part

165.00 includes both classes

Are you waiting for things to go back to normal? Are you feeling unsure about your future work or place in the world? This class is for you! We are in a time of huge gifts and new opportunities for our personal future!

 There will not be a going back to the old normal. It is creating a new pathway and embarking on a new journey into what you choose as a new normal. We are transitioning into a new time, new energies and a new life. All of this is exciting and joyful if we understand how to tap into this new energy and create our new future.

 The pandemic and world unrest right now is a huge call to change. Not only is our world changing to heal but we are being asked to also make big changes on our own paths. Many will change their work all together and then some will do the same work but in a new and different way. Many will awaken to their gifts and purpose for the first time.

 Join me in this class to learn how to tap into that energy and to your own personal journey of new changes and joy. Discover what your new opportunities are.

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1:00 PM13:00

Expand your Awareness

In this on line seminar we will explore ways to get clear information and how to increase and expand your access to more information. Get more clarity and learn to acces more percise information. This seminar will be recorded for your convenience to listen to anytime and refer back to the information.

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Mini Zoom Seminar on These Changing Times
1:00 PM13:00

Mini Zoom Seminar on These Changing Times

This mini seminar is all about the changing times we are in and how they are all opportunites to change. How to use this information in assisting your life to be better and to grow and thrive during these times not just survive. Updated March.

Sign up today and if you cannt attend there will be a recording availble after seminar. 125.00

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1:00 PM13:00

Mini Zoom Seminar on These Changing Times

This mini seminar is all about the changing times we are in and how they are all opportunites to change. How to use this information in assisting your life to be better and to grow and thrive during these times not just survive.

Sign up today and if you cannt attend there will be a recording availble after seminar.       530.755.4767       Yuba City, CA United States
Anne Angelheart 2017 All Rights Reserved

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