Illuminous Being Course 1
Illuminous Being Course 1
Illuminous Be-ing
Course 1 Illuminated
Have you noticed or felt a difference in the Energy on the planet lately?
You may feel as if things are manifesting faster, bringing a stronger sense of knowing and purpose to your day to day life, or you may just sense that things are very different and you are not sure how to adapt to the changes.
Or, you may have a keen understanding of the accelerated energy of this new earth and have been working with it for a long time and now have an increased sense of moving on to the next level.
Whether you are seeking ways to adapt to the changes or move to a higher vibration for these new times, this course is for you!
The Illuminous Be-ing course consists of two workshops. When taken together these courses will assist you in moving to the next level, bringing clarity to your purpose, enhancing your gifts, and helping you to manifest the life you want.
Be the Illuminous BE-ING that you are and Illuminate the world with your light and spiritual energy!
Course 1 Illumination: This is a one day workshop with advanced sacred geometry and frequencies that will bring your DNA (body), mind, and soul to an evolved state in order to receive these new frequencies of the accelerated earth. As your physical body and light body align with these new frequencies, you can receive the new language of light and live harmoniously with the energy now present on the earth. This language of light contains the new and evolved information for your future.