The Many forms of Meditation
The Many forms of Meditation
There are many forms of meditation. Active, moving, visual, and many more. The same type is not great for everyone. Think you Can't Meditate?
Discover what ones work for you or learn new ways so you can have variety, no one only wants one way every single day.
Discover how to make it pleasant so meditation doesn’t feel like a chore or trying to do the same way all the time. Many times that leads to a lack of enthusiasm to meditate every day.
Come and explore.
Many people tell me they cannot meditate. Did you know there are many forms of meditaion? Moving, mindful, guided and many more. This class informs you of the many techniques there are and which one would be more beneficial for you . No matter which technique is for you all forms of meditation are good for you. It will relieve stress, move energy in your body, provide clarity and insights and much more.
Join me in the Zoom class and find out what type is best for you.